Saw this at the MLK Burgerville on the way in this morning. It was one of those marquee signs that employees do the lettering for:
At first, I just thought that was funny (not as funny as when I saw someone else had messed with the GET FISH N CHIPS sign and changed it to CHIPS N SHIT, but still funny). Then I thought, wait! Does that mean Burgerville's now featuring asparagus? So I looked it up, and hot diggity - Burgerville's got asparagus!
Ah, I love butchered signs. At a restaurant I worked at in college, the welcome/specials board changed from "Please wait to be seated" to:
- Please wait to be cheated
- Please wait to be eaten
Still makes me laugh . . .
Posted by: Ed | May 12, 2009 at 11:43 PM
That's awesome. There's also a sign at the Powell's Hawthorne store that has been changed from "Line starts here" to "Life starts here."
Posted by: Valarie | May 19, 2009 at 09:16 PM